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“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive…and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” –Maya Angelou.

Life is short. Our time is finite. Every day provides us another opportunity. Another possibility to improve ourselves, our families, or organization, our country, and our world. Every day, opportunities presents themselves that allow us to transform our way of life. And every day, our way of life is challenged by the possibilities of undesirable outcomes and experiences.


We live within a complex system of systems that interact and affect each other, constantly changing, and full of unknowns. Our world today offers us unprecedented recorded knowledge, communication, and capability to improve.


Every complaint, setback, problem, and challenge is a signal to us of the need for change to the status quo. If we consider the mirror we can see the start of the change, if we look around us we can see the team that can help our effects, and if we look backwards we can learn from the mistakes and successes. This allows us to help shape tomorrow more toward what we see.


So, seek to thrive. Opportunity Never Sleeps!


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