This will be the inaugural blog post on my site.
It will be part 1 of an initial 5-part series prepping the groundwork to support the IT community to thrive into the future of work.
Never has the IT profession had access to so many resources and so much knowledge. We must take advantage of this.
When the answer to your problem is not obvious, you may need to ask yourself if you are limiting your approach to coming up with a workable solution. Or if you are working on the right problem in the first place. We must understand our problems and challenges well enough to know how to address them.
The answer will not be searchable online. We often will have to develop a more correct answer to a more appropriately sized problem.

My former neighbor needed to get to the top of a tree in front of his house to cut down a branch.
He did not have a ladder. He did not go buy one. He did not wait for a neighbor to get home to borrow one.
Instead, he thought of another way.
I witnessed him build a ladder; from what he already had: hammer, nails, and wood.
He built it and used it to climb to the side of a tree to the top where he proceeded to cut off some of the branches. When he was finished, he took the ladder apart.
What challenges are you faced with today that you could overcome with a different mindset and approach?
You have what you need around you right now. Opportunity is everywhere!
Life is short. Our time is finite. Every day provides us with another opportunity. Another possibility to improve ourselves, our families, or organization, our country, and our world. Every day, opportunities present themselves that allow us to transform our way of life. And every day, our way of life is challenged by the possibilities of undesirable outcomes and experiences.
We live within a complex system of systems that interact and affect each other, constantly changing, and full of unknowns. Our world today offers us unprecedented, recorded knowledge, communication, and capability to improve.
Every complaint, setback, problem, and challenge are a signal to us of the need for change to the status quo. If we consider the mirror we can see the start of the change, if we look around us, we can see the team that can help our effects, and if we look backwards, we can learn from the mistakes and successes. This allows us to help shape tomorrow more toward what we see.
So, seek to thrive. Opportunity Never Sleeps!
I.T. has what it needs to thrive in the future of work. There is a smarter way. I will discuss this smarter approach in the next blog post.